Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Design After Dark 2009: Versus.

Design After Dark is an annual party to celebrate the design community. This year's event will follow last year's successful format with 27 teams from various design and artistic backgrounds showing off their creativity.
Great music and visuals, libations, creative food, and a few surprises in the evening, this is one of the most anticipated design events this year and it's all happening at the new RedLine Gallery in Downtown Denver on Friday, January 30th.

This year's theme is Versus (vs.) which will creatively explore contrasts and opposites.

Gensler's entry (pictured above) is based on Light vs. Dark with the iconic Andrews Company Bistro Chair as our inspiration from the Design Council's collection.
Intricate black lace, inspired by the twisted ironwork of the Bistro Chair, creates a mysterious dark veil of a box which contains flickering LED lights which illuminates the contrasting glowing gold interior. A modern elegant interpretation of an oil lantern or votive.

For tickets and information:
http://www.blacktie-colorado.com/ event code: DC/DAM1/09